
Major Writing 2 Plan

Idea 1: To examine what the most successful way to market to college freshmen.  I will conduct it by asking those in my class and in my residence hall.  The questions I will ask will be; when was the last time you bought a product after seeing the advertisement?  On what media did you see the ad?  Was the product low cost (under 20) medium cost (20-100) or high cost (over 100)? By conducting this I will study the effectiveness of advertisement on college freshman by where they see it and by what it motivates them to purchase.

Idea 2: Poll asking students new to Iowa City what there favorite local bar, restaurant, or desert place.
Question will include; what about the managing of the local business keeps you coming back? What about the marketing attracted you to the business?  What about the business location, atmosphere separates it from other business like it. The purpose of this is to examine how the local food places appeal to college students in a predominately college town and gain college student's business.

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